ASADA (Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority)

The Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA) is a government statutory authority that is Australia’s driving force for pure performance in sport.

ASADA’s mission is to protect Australia’s sporting integrity through the elimination of doping.
To achieve its mission ASADA focuses on three key themes – to deter, detect, and enforce:

  • ASADA deters prohibited doping practices in sport via education, doping control (testing), advocacy and the coordination of Australia’s anti-doping program;
  • ASADA detects a breach of a sport’s anti-doping policy via its doping control (testing) and investigation programs; and
  • ASADA enforces any breach of a policy by ensuring those violating anti-doping rules are prosecuted and sanctioned.

ASADA's 'Check Your Substances' is transitioning to 'Global DRO'. An updated link is at the bottom of this page. For more information on the transition, click here.

Boxing NT provides at each Fight Night Event that all Boxers must register and sign a Anti-Doping Registration form.

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